The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch
HarperCollins: 4/18/17
eBook review copy; 288 pages
The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch is a highly recommended literary post-apocalyptic reimagined Joan of
Arc story.
It is 2049. The Earth is a burned-out, lifeless husk due to world wars,
geological catastrophes, and solar flares. Wealthy humans, or what they
have evolved into, are living on CIEL, a suborbital complex hovering
above the Earth. Human are currently all sexless, hairless, and
completely white. Christine Pizan, 49, remembers life on earth before
CIEL, but now she resembles the other inhabitants. The residents of CIEL
are not allowed to live past age 50, to save resources. They also
practice body modification and cover themselves in scars and skin
grafts. Christine specializes in skin stories, an electrosurgical
branding of words on skin grafts. On her body, Christine is telling the
story of Joan of Dark, a child and echo-terrorist who had a mysterious
power and communicated directly with the Earth. When Christine dies,
Joan's story, as branded/written on her skin, will continue
Joan fought against Jean de Men for the Earth. He is a charismatic and
bloodthirsty cult leader who waged war against Joan and currently rules
CIEL as a quasi-corporate police
state. De Men turned Joan into a martyr, putting her execution on
display - but her story is not over. Christine is planning a rebellion
with others to seize control from de Men and she also learns that Joan
is still alive on Earth. She is also hoping she can save her beloved
friend, Trinculo.
This speculative fiction novel is told in three books, the first
narrative is through Christine's point-of-view, the second is Joan's
story, and the third concludes the story. The writing is incredible -
literary, poetic. Yuknavitch is a wordsmith who delights in language and
the passion and horror words can communicate. The Book of Joan
is firmly a feminist point-of-view and confronts the questions of
sexuality, love, and the fluidity of genders, along with the need to
rebel against tyrannical leaders with no compassion or humanity. It begs
the question: What does it mean to be human? To love?
I delighted in some of the wording Yuknavitch used in The Book of Joan.
While the poetic, literary, and lyrical wording was extraordinary, and
is its own literary achievement, the actual plot needed a little bit of
clarification, additional explanation, more story. No one will question
the quality of the writing; it is the context that became perplexing at
times. In some ways this novel is almost too ambitious for the goals
set before it. In the end I took great delight in the writing but felt
dissatisfied by the actual flow of the narrative. While the characters
are developed and there is change and growth, the
notion of character development doesn't seem to directly apply to The Book of Joan - except for Joan.
The Book of Joan is highly recommended, but for a specific
audience. If you like literary novels with a science fiction setting and
take delight in words and their usage, it's a good choice. If you like
a good epic, post-apocalyptic science fiction story, you might feel let
down by the lack of a fluid, well-appointed plot.
My review copy was courtesy of HarperCollins.
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