Little Secrets by Anna Snoekstra
MIRA Books: 10/17/17
eBook review copy; 336 pages
Little Secrets by Anna Snoekstra is a highly recommended thriller.
In Colmstock, Australia, an arsonist has recently burned down the
courthouse, killing a young boy who was inside. Rose Blakey is an
aspiring journalist in Colmstock who just needs an opportunity to escape
from the small town and make a name for herself. She's been given an
ultimatum to move out of the family home by her stepfather, but she has
no where to go, unless she can somehow manage to get a job writing in
the city. Currently she's working
as a barmaid in a local tavern where the police hang out every night.
After the fire Rose learns from Frank, one of the police officers who
hang out at the bar nightly and one who has a crush on her, that someone
has begun leaving porcelain dolls on the doorsteps
of homes where young girls live. The dolls all bear an eerie
resemblance to the young girls who receive them. Rose's younger
sister, five year old Laura, had received one of the dolls, so Rose
contacts the
police to turn it in, in hopes that they can find the creep who is
doing this.
Then Rose begins to view the doll story as her ticket to escape
Colmstock. She investigates and writes up a version of the story to
sell to a tabloid, The Star, and she gets published. Now she needs to
keep updating the story in hopes of finding a way out of the small town.
An exactly who is the mysterious stranger who arrived in town and why
is he there?
This is a compelling thriller that will hold your attention. Snoekstra
keeps the tension and paranoia high in her characters and the atmosphere
unsettled and ominous as Rose investigates. When suspicions run high
and the community begins to turn against her and each other, the tone of
the novel becomes dark. Soon it becomes apparent that everyone has an
agenda and secrets. This is a desperate town full of desperate,
suspicious people.
There really aren't any likeable characters here. You may think you like
of dislike a character, but will then change your mind as events
unfold. There were so many different directions that the story could
have been taken that I was a little disappointed in the direction
Snoekstra choose. I did like the resolution to the doll story, but there
were other little comments made or actions taken in the narrative that
could have made for a richer, deeper experience. Still, Little Secrets is a satisfying novel.
My review copy was courtesy of MIRA Books.
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