Resistant by Rachael Sparks
SparkPress: 10/16/18
eBook review copy; 216 pages
Resistant by Rachael Sparks
is a so-so dystopian novel.
In Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Rory Stevigson and her father, Byron, are
basically off-the-grid survivalists in the climate changed land of 2041.
The prevalence of bacterial diseases that were sparked by climate
change have all become drug-resistant after the over use of antibiotics.
Rory's deceased mother was a scientist looking for a cure until she
succumb to a bacterial infection. At the same time, the people her
mother used to work for are still looking for a cure and using whatever
unethical methods they choose.
When a young veteran, Navy, shows up and begins to work for them, Rory
finds herself attracted to him. Soon it becomes apparent that he is more
than just a hired hand. Rory herself may hold the cure to the health
crisis, and now she and her father need to flee, with help from Navy and
his friend. They are headed to the headquarters of the resistance and
hope to spread a cure to the world.
The journey, that in any heroic adventure novel needs to have the
protagonists facing almost insurmountable struggles to get to the
desired place, went by with a few obstacles, but nothing that wasn't
easily handled. Scenes that had plenty of heart-stopping potential were
breezed through. Portions of the journey were just skipped over. I
really stopped and went back to see if I had somehow skipped a few
chapters, but no. Rory and Navy went from, let's say point B right to V,
at which point I was bitterly disappointed in this mitigated action.
Come on - give me a struggle, give me a quest, give me onerous striving
toward the climax. The plot is interesting, but the journey, pursuit,
and adventure are attenuated and simplified.
Rory is a likeable heroine. It was refreshing that she could state her
own opinions and stand up to the men around her. She is smart, but,
alas, she is also immature. I found it hard to believe she was a 23 year
old in this situation, as she seemed too sheltered and naive about the
world in which she is living. I also think the almost immediate romance
angle should have been dialed back, a lot, and given more time to
develop. The bad guys are bad, but come across as caricatures of bad
The writing is decent but the actual novel and plot would have benefited
from more descriptions, more action, more depth to the plot. This
really reads like a YA novel, although it is described as a new adult
My review copy was courtesy of SparkPress.
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