Transformers, 2007
Wonder Boy, Dragon Scribe, and I watched the movies.
Movie Dude: There's my Friday night gas!
Movie Dude (concerning Meagan Fox): I feel good and I'm lovin' every minute of it!
Just like the Transformers, Movie Dud and Just Me learned many new things through the world wide web.
Wonder Boy: Are you going to sketchy web sites again?
Just Me: Psychedelic Squirrel? That's a totally legitimate web site.
They searched for, among other things, road kill pictures, Santa with Muscles (apparently there was a bad Hulk Hogan movie), and exploding things.
Wonder Boy: Ssshhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the movie!
Wonder Boy: Ssshhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the movie!
Movie Dude: Search General Grant car.
Just Me: I thought we were going to google exploding toilets?
Wonder Boy: Ssshhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the movie!
Movie Dude: Sssshhhhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the expolding whale video.
Wonder Boy: Ssshhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the movie!
Movie Dude: Sssshhhhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the expolding whale video.
Just Me (reading from website): "Watch the video, read the articles, and learn about more exploding whales.... Welcome to the definitive exploding whale site on the internet." Exploding whale even has a Wikipedia entry!
Wonder Boy: Ssshhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the movie!
Wonder Boy: Ssshhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the movie!
Movie dude: Poop is "poop" spelled backward.
(My nephew, formerly referred to as Cool Man, now has the moniker "Dragon Scribe." It encompasses his interests in dragons, drawing, and reading.)
(My nephew, formerly referred to as Cool Man, now has the moniker "Dragon Scribe." It encompasses his interests in dragons, drawing, and reading.)
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