Monday, July 1, 2024

The Day He Never Came Home

The Day He Never Came Home by Andrew DeYoung
7/9/24; 368 pages
Poisoned Pen Press

The Day He Never Came Home by Andrew DeYoung is a highly recommended domestic mystery.

Regan Peters' husband John may not talk about his past, but Regan knows he loves her and their two children, after all he just bought her a lake house. John is a financial advisor who works long hours to provide for them, so it is a shocking surprise when the FBI shows up at their home and Regan learns he has been running a Ponzi scheme. Then the real dilemma begins. Does Regan tell the FBI everything or would it be more prudent to hold back some information to protect her and the children since she may have a clue or two about what is happening, especially after she discovers the money and then receives a threat.

The Day He Never Came Home is a well-written novel that does hold your attention throughout while the plot moves along at a good pace. The narrative is broken into three parts. Part one is from Regan's point-of-view, part two is from John's perspective, and part three joins the two narratives. Regan's perspective is perhaps the most compelling of the two, although John's does provide background information for his character before it covers some of the same ground as Regan's point-of-view. There are a few interesting twists along the way.

Both Regan and John are interesting characters. Neither one is completely virtuous as they are both are guilty in various degrees of morally ambiguous actions. Regan will obviously act to protect her children. They can both con and both have reasons they would do so. This makes the novel more compelling than one that follows a standard story arc. Thanks to Poisoned Pen Press for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.

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