Thanks so much Jane!
At first blush I thought it was like a sour grapes award, sort of a "your attitude leaves a bad taste in my mouth and makes me look good" award. But in reality "the Lemonade Award is given by a previous winner to 10 people who have shown a great attitude or gratitude this week. It's a great way to show these people that you appreciate them."
Although I can't imagine that MY attitude or gratitude has been all that exemplary this week (or ever), I am flattered to receive this award.
I'm going to pass it on to some blogs I have enjoyed reading for longer than just this week, thus changing the initial purpose of the award. I'm passing it on to people calling it an "Enjoy a cold beverage, like lemonade, while reading these blogs" award, although in all honesty I'm usually drinking coffee when reading them. (When reading Just me, you may want something stronger.)
Jane (right back at ya!)
Just Me
Jane (right back at ya!)
Just Me
Congrats on the award! :)
thank you!!! That is very thoughtful of you :) thanks for giving it to me.
You totally deserve this award! And like I said in my email, you've made my day (actually, you've made my week!)!
And I'm trying to be better at commenting (I let is slide last year), so you should see me around more. :-)
Thank you so much. You are o sweet!
Thank you so much Lori; My 1st Award. I appreciate that!
Oh my...I didn't even think of lemonade as in something sour...
I make cool-aid brand lemonade, so it tends to bring to my mind that cool-aid pitcher guy bursting through the wall with that silly smile on his face. LOL
And I think your attitude is GREAT!
I love it! :)
Hi! Thank you so much for the Lemonade award - and for visiting my blog! I am honored. I will post about this award later today!
Happy Reading!
Jill =)
You all are more than welcome!
I've enjoyed reading the blogs of the recipients, whether I know you or not, and wanted to let you all know. Sometimes the awards that get passed around are given more to friends rather than based on what you enjoy.
That said, I totally love and adore the friends (and daughter) I gave it to, as well as those of you who received it because I (usually anonymously) read your blogs.
Jane, I make Lemonade usually from lemon juice, so my first thought was "lemons = sour" LOL!
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