Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Eight Questions

The Reading Ape brought up for discussion a series of eight questions about book blogging. Since actual book reviews have slowed down here at She Treads Softly, I thought I'd take the time to answer the questions.
Here are the questions:

1. What does book blogging do best?
2. If you write a book blog, why do you?
3. What do you think the future of book blogging is?
4. What do your favorite book bloggers do?
5. If you could tell all book bloggers one thing, what would it be?
6. If you could change one thing about book blogging, what would it be?
7. How do you think book blogging fits into the reading landscape?
8. What about your own book blogging would you like to do better/differently?

My Thoughts:

1. Book blogging can call attention to books that might otherwise not receive much publicity or introduce new readers to previously published books. Most book bloggers are very accessible and open to discussions or questions. Additionally they all share a love of reading and often enjoy many different genres.

2. Originally the impetus to start my book blog can be blamed on an online book group I was a part of in the fall of 2006. The group asked participants to share a small review of the books the group was discussing or what individuals were reading. In January of 2007 I decided a blog would be a nice way to keep track of the books I was reading as well as what I was writing for the group. The group disbanded, but my blog continued.

3. Many of the book blogs I originally read and continue to read concentrate just on the books with occasional personal posts. Some of them, and many new blogs, have evolved into featuring all sorts of events and memes beyond the books. I have no idea where book blogging is heading...

4. My favorite book blogs are all about the books and less side-show bells and whistles. If I'm reading a blog for the book reviews, I want to read book reviews, not just see pictures of you holding up a book or the cover of a book you've acquired. I want the BOOK blog to be mostly your thoughts about the books. Occasionally I'll drop reading blogs that have evolved into something else.

5. If you would describe your blog as a book blog then try to keep it about the books. If it's a personal blog, then note that.

6. Less events and extraneous posts would be a nice change. Often the time I can devote to reading through the blogs I follow is limited. It can become annoying when most of the book blogs I follow are not about books (however, I admittedly do enjoy several people who posts with interesting links to articles or other blogs related to the literary world in some way).

7. I've learned about several books I would have perhaps never discovered if not for a blogger. I like that. I appreciate those who review everything and not just the review copies they receive. If you are writing a book blog and feel as if you have no readers because hundreds of people aren't following you, trust me you do have readers so keep the reviews coming.

8. I'm comfortable with what I'm doing although sometimes I wish I had the time to write more.

Any thoughts?


quirky girls said...

Interesting questions for thought. Thanks for sharing your answers. I actually like the book blogs that mix in a personal post here and there to mix things up. But I see where you are coming from - if you are all about the reviews and discovering new books, weeding out the pure book blogs from the rest makes perfect sense!


Lori L said...

Molly, in the past I have included personal posts too, so I don't object to some personal posts. I simply like a declared "book blog" to be mostly about the books. I guess it's a question of expectations and percentages, LOL! Oh, and there are several personal blogs I read that are rarely about a book.

Jeanne said...

I'm a fan of reader-response theory. For me, the personal and the literary are inextricably intertwined.

Lori L said...

I understand this perfectly, Jeanne - after all I'm normally sharing "my thoughts" about the books I read and those thoughts are, quite naturally, based on my personal experiences.