The Night Clock by Paul Meloy
Rebellion Publishing: 11/5/15
eBook review copy, 384 pages
ISBN-13: 9781781083765
The Night Clock by Paul Meloy is a so-so horror/fantasy set in London.
Phil Trevena is a mental health worker whose patients are killing
themselves. This trend actually signals the start of the end of all
reality unless he and a time traveling hypnopomp named Daniel can help
the Firmament Surgeons stop the Autoscopes and keep the Night clock
The Night Clock is a dream/nightmare world that switches
between characters points of view, settings, realities, and time. It
took intense concentration to follow who was what and where and why as
more and more characters and elements were added to the story. Opening
in a world where Mars is the moon and then switching to a scene with a
zombie attacking a farmhouse, I thought I had misunderstood the
description and this was a collection of short stories, but after the
two jarring opening scenes, the actual novel starts.
Meloy is a descriptive writer and packs a lot of information into his
sentences and chapters. He also has a whole host of characters and
incidents taking place. This may be the indicator of the underlying
problem I had with The Night Clock. It was, simple put, difficult
to engage with any of the characters and hard to follow the plot. This
resulted in the feeling that Meloy needed a larger canvas for this
story, perhaps a series set in this world rather than cramming
everything into this one book.
Disclosure: My Kindle edition was courtesy
of Rebellion Publishing for review
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