The Best of Friends by Lucinda Berry
Thomas & Mercer: 8/18/20
review copy; 284 pages
The Best of Friends by Lucinda Berry is a highly recommended drama that follows three families after a tragedy.
In a wealthy southern California neighborhood best friends Lindsey,
and Dani are devastated after a tragic incident with a gun involving
their three sons, Jacob, Sawyer, and Caleb. The teens were having a
sleepover which resulted in the death of Kendra's son, Sawyer, and left
Lindsey's son Jacob in a coma. Dani's son Jacob was not shot, but is
uncommunicative but has nightmares and breakdowns. Do they really know
each other and their sons? Is their friendship going to withstand the
tragedy and resulting investigation?
Alternating chapters
are told from each woman's point-of-view as they try to deal with the
tragedy and figure out what happened and why. Everyone has secrets,
shortcomings, and questions which, as they are revealed, put a strain on
relationships. Detective Martin Locke questions the couples and their
other children, but they all know he is keeping some information to
himself (obviously).
The plot is well done, creating tension and questions, as these women face the nightmare their lives has become. The Best of Friends is a straightforward story. It is focused on these three women after a tragedy involving their sons and the disclosure of secrets involving each family and their sons. This isn't a thriller. We aren't looking for a suspect. We're looking for answers as to why this incident happened.
Berry slowly provides clues and reveals secrets about the night and
the teens. The writing does have some flaws. The individual voices of
the three
women are not as distinctive as clearly defined as individuals as I
would have liked. Reading did require paying close attention to who was
talking to avoid confusion. The characters are portrayed more like
caricatures rather than complex unique individuals. The plot, however,
and seeking out the truth about that night is what will keep you glued
to the pages.
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